When you perform well at work, you will often get promoted. But, once you find yourself in your new role as a leader, you will inevitably wonder how you are doing. Imposter Syndrome—the feeling that you don't belong, that you're screwing everything up, that everyone's going to find you out—tends to increase with leadership roles. Today's post will give you a tool to help you overcome this feeling of being an imposter: the practice of deliberate questions.
Having a practice of being conscious about your questions will change everything in your leadership. The questions you ask yourself will lead you to the desired results because your questions direct your mind where to look. For example, if your question is, "How am I in danger?" your brain will present you with reasons that you are in danger—from the car coming down the street to the air you're breathing and to the food you're eating. Alternatively, if you ask yourself, "What am I grateful for?" you will find reasons that you are grateful.