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Discover why the most effective—and most fulfilled—leaders work with a Coach.

Leadership isn't natural, or easy.

It takes both practice and courage to become a truly great leader.

But most people, and the companies they work for, don't deeply invest in their growth as leaders. Sure, they may do offsites and the occasional training program, but the real work is left up to you to figure out.

So if you're feeling overworked and overwhelmed without a clear picture of how to move forward, you're not alone. It's just because you aren't using a proven leadership operating system, what I call your Hypergrowth Formula.

And having a formula you can rely on is not an optional part of success. 

That's because as a leader, if you continue making the same mistakes with your team and in your life, you aren't just maintaining the status quo. Things actually get worse.

Business is not static. Every day you're either creating a stronger, more successful team or the ship is falling apart.

That's why great leaders have a second (or third) brain to help them manage the complexity.

Meet the leadership coach for tech managers who want to deliver growth AND love their life again.

Steve Wide Headshot webSteve Haase has led global teams at hypergrowth tech businesses and knows the pressure and complexity you're dealing with. As a certified Coach he brings a process of inquiry and introspection along with proven leadership tools to help solve any problem you're facing. His exclusive 1:1 coaching program includes:

  • 6 months of weekly 45-minute coaching calls
  • On-demand voice app access with same-day responses from him during business hours to accelerate your growth and break through any obstacles
  • Original wellness courses from Steve and his partner Erin on topics such as meditation, yoga, and the quantified self to enhance your overall performance
  • Invitations to members-only special events, reserved for 1:1 clients

After working with Steve, you will have the confidence and skills you need to be the leader you know you can be. You will be able to manage and coach difficult employees, create an inspiring vision for yourself and your team, and feel like leadership is a sustainable and rewarding path for you and your loved ones.

No more overworking, late nights, eating at your computer every day, and generally putting yourself and your life last in the hopes of "succeeding" at work. That's not success.

Get a free strategy consultation with Steve to get a plan in place now. Click the button below to get started:

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